#CougsGive might be over, but you can still make an impact by clicking here.
College of Education
Diversity, Inclusion, Innovation, and Excellence

The WSU College of Education is committed to our students and their access to a great education, life-changing experiences, outstanding faculty, and excellent facilities. The generous support of our donor community helps us open the door to these opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds.

  • Because of College of Education scholarships, our students can focus on their educational endeavors and many will be able to start their careers with little or no student loan debt.
  • Our WSU ROAR students are valued members of the Coug family. Through the ROAR program, they learn valuable life skills that empower them to achieve independence and discover fulfilling careers.
  • Finally, the Dean's Excellence Fund makes it possible to offer enriching student experiences; allows faculty to innovate and develop new ideas and tools in their fields; and provides critical support to grow budding programs. 

Donors like YOU create opportunities today and open doors to the future. On behalf of our students, faculty, and staff, thank you for giving to the College of Education during #CougsGive!

Campus, College, and Program Leaderboard
Which campus, college, or program will raise the most during #CougsGive?
Rank Department Raised
1 College of Veterinary Medicine $219,595.00
2 Cougar Athletic Fund $41,325.00
3 Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine $24,070.00
4 WSU Vancouver $19,245.00
5 Murrow College of Communication $16,535.00
$500 Lunch Time Bonus Challenge
Congrats to the College Of Veterinary Medicine on unlocking the $500 lunch time bonus!
Rank Prize Department Donors
1 $500 College of Veterinary Medicine 88
2 Division of Student Affairs 36
3 College of Education 32
4 WSU Vancouver 30
5 Cougar Athletic Fund 28
Education Begins with Excellence Challenge
Challenge unlocked! An additional $500 has been contributed to the College of Education Dean's Excellence Fund, thanks to Tricia Hukee's, '95, generous match.
Education Faculty & Staff Challenge
Challenge unlocked! An additional $1,000 has been contributed to College of Education Dean's Excellence Fund!
15 / 15 Gifts
100 Gifts Unlock $1,000 to Support the ROAR Program
Challenge unlocked! An additional $1,000 has been contributed to support the WSU ROAR Program.
20 / 20 Gifts
Cougar Ambassador Total Dollars Inspired Challenge
The Cougar Ambassador with the largest total dollars in referrals will unlock $500 to designate to a #CougsGive fund of choice! This challenge is anonymously sponsored by an '09 alum and current WSU employee. The winner will be announced at 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
$500 Cougs Help Cougs Twitter Challenge
Thank you to @TheHollyJones (Crimson Opportunity Scholarship Fund) and @joanne_m_h (Cougs Feeding Cougs) for your tweets! Your chosen funds have received $500 bonuses from our anonymous challenge donor!
Campus, College, and Program Gift Leaderboard
Which campus, college, or program will receive the most gifts during #CougsGive?
Rank Department Gifts
1 College of Veterinary Medicine 220
2 Cougar Athletic Fund 106
3 WSU Vancouver 86
4 Division of Student Affairs 76
5 Murrow College of Communication 67
$500 Night Owl Challenge
The campus, college, or program with the most unique donors from 6 p.m. to midnight will receive a $500 bonus thanks to an anonymous donor!
Rank Prize Department Donors
1 $500 College of Veterinary Medicine 51
2 Cougar Athletic Fund 30
3 Murrow College of Communication 24
4 WSU Vancouver 14
5 Division of Student Affairs 13
50 Gifts Unlock $500 for the ROAR Program
Challenge unlocked! $500 has been contributed to support the ROAR Program.
20 / 20 Gifts
Education Scholarship Challenge
Challenge unlocked! Thanks to George Frasier, '84, an additional $500 has been contributed to the College of Education Scholarship Fund.
15 / 15 Gifts
Cougar Ambassador Most Donors Inspired Challenge
The Cougar Ambassador who inspires the most donors through referrals will unlock $500 to a #CougsGive fund of choice. How many donors can YOU inspire? This challenge is anonymously sponsored by an '09 alum and current WSU employee. The winner of this challenge will be announced at 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
$500 Lucky Number 131
Thanks to Kathy Ryan for making the 131st gift of the day! The Giving Hope Through Cancer fund has received a bonus $500.
$500 Bright and Early Donor Bonus
Congrats to Paul Bolls, his bonus will go to the Murrow Dean's Excellence Fund!
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at annual.giving@wsu.edu.