#CougsGive might be over, but you can still make your gift here.
WSU Native American Health Sciences

What if there was a program that helped Native American students become health care professionals?

There is! Native American Health Sciences at WSU Spokane includes the Center for Native Health, Native pathway programs, and an Indigenous Health Perspectives Certificate offering.  

In addition to helping the health science colleges recruit Native Americans entering the health care workforce, the program also promotes:

- Culturally embedding and teaching indigenous healing perspectives through newly developed curriculum and clinical education modalities to counterbalance western forms of medical and health education with traditional understandings and perspectives, toward equitable Indigenous patient care.

- Providing a space for tribal community health initiatives through our land-grant mission focused on planning, training, facilitation, support, and collaboration with tribal nation partners and affiliates.

A gift to the Native American Health Sciences Excellence Fund will aid in Native student academic success while providing a culturally holistic centered space for community engagement.


Ambassador Total Gifts Inspired Challenge
Congrats to the three most passionate, dedicated, and persuasive #CougsGive Ambassadors! Great work Stephen, Michael, and Ashley!
WSU Leaderboard Challenge
You can help your WSU campus, college, or area earn a special bonus! The top three areas with the highest percentage increase in donors from last year will earn an extra $500, $300, $200 (in order of ranking) thanks to Advancement Leadership Julie Benson, Associate Vice President, Central Development Units/Co-Campaign Director, and Mike Connell `85, Vice President Advancement and CEO, WSU Foundation.
Rank Prize Department % +/- Goal
1 $500 Graduate School +250.00% 7
goal: 2
2 $300 WSU Global Campus +188.89% 26
goal: 9
3 $200 Agricultural Human & Natural Resource Sciences +133.87% 145
goal: 62
4 WSU Pullman +106.67% 31
goal: 15
5 Libraries +92.31% 25
goal: 13
Campus, College, and Program Gift Leaderboard
Which campus, college, or program will receive the most gifts during #CougsGive?
Rank Department Gifts
1 Agricultural Human & Natural Resource Sciences 172
2 College of Veterinary Medicine 164
3 WSU Vancouver 132
4 Cougar Athletic Fund 104
5 College of Arts and Sciences 101
Ambassador Donor Challenge
Congrats to the most passionate, dedicated, and persuasive #CougsGive Ambassadors! Great work Stephen!
Campus, College, and Program Leaderboard
Which campus, college, or program will raise the most during #CougsGive?
Rank Department Raised
1 College of Veterinary Medicine $45,755.00
2 Agricultural Human & Natural Resource Sciences $20,581.11
3 Cougar Athletic Fund $16,738.00
4 WSU Alumni Association $16,725.00
5 College of Arts and Sciences $14,030.00
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