Carson College of Business Dean's Excellence Fund
Dear alumni and friends,

As we celebrate CougsGive ‘25, it is my hope and goal for the Carson College of Business that many of you will join us and show your support today.

Your generosity has always been the cornerstone of our success at Carson, and today I challenge you to help us reach new heights.

This year we are asking for your help to strengthen three of our most crucial priorities:

Please click on the links above to learn more about the EDGE program and our Study Abroad fund, but let me also take a minute to tell you more about the Dean's Excellence Fund and why it is a priority. 

Supporting the Dean’s Excellence Fund Gives Us Flexibility

Now more than ever, shifting policies and unpredictable funding present new challenges to our commitment to create amazing educational experiences for our students. Whether it’s updating classroom technology, recruiting and retaining key faculty, supporting research, or shoring up scholarships, your gift to the Dean’s Excellence Fund allows us the flexibility to direct support where it is most needed.

Every gift counts, no matter the size.

Thank you and Go Carson Cougs!

Debbie Compeau, Dean

Carson College of Business

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