Contribute to a better Washington and a more innovative, healthy, and secure world!

Support CAHNRS during CougsGive and join Cougs who are making a more resilient Washington!

Scholars at Wahington State University’s College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences are at the forefront of discovery and extension. We're learners, makers, and doers, working across more than 20 majors and reaching all ages and corners of our state to shape a better future. With help from friends like you, we leverage Cougar potential to fuel innovations that protect our natural resources and ensure a secure food supply. 

We're in the field and communities making a difference. From empowering youth through 4-H to fostering adaptable, skilled workforces. We're all about action and impact. Your support through CougsGive makes this possible. Scholarships, excellence funds, and pioneering research—every gift contributes to our collective resilience.

Together, let's build a resilient Washington, a place of innovation, sustainability, and community strength. Please join us in this vital mission during #CougsGive!

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