The Student Success Fund offers essential support to students across all Nursing programs and campuses, from exploring their options to celebrating their graduation. Our dedicated staff and faculty provide admissions advice, academic advising, student coaching, resource referrals, and engagement in events and student clubs. Advisors also cheer on students at graduation, celebrating their hard-earned achievements.
The Student Success Fund helps students rent regalia, allowing them to proudly walk across the graduation stage. With a $50 donation, you can cover the cost of regalia for one student.
Ready to make a difference? Donate today to support a student's graduation.
Our WSU College of Nursing community is dedicated to fostering an exceptional academic environment where students and scholars dream big and innovate across education, research, and practice. These efforts have led to a higher NCLEX passage rate.
Discover the Backgrounds and Achievements of Our WSU Nursing Students
Coug Nurses CARE is a powerful force throughout Washington, embodying the core values of the WSU College of Nursing, known as COUG CARES.