Office of the Dean
College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office

Empower Students Through the Seattle Experience

The College of Arts and Sciences invites you to be part of something unique: The Seattle Experience. This faculty-led alternative spring break takes students beyond the classroom to explore real-world career paths across industry, government, and non-profit organizations.

In today’s dynamic world, opportunities aren’t always linear. How does an Anthropologist become a Data Scientist? Can studying Biology lead to a career in tech support? What skills does an English major bring to the boardroom? The Seattle Experience sparks curiosity and inspires students to discover their own unique path.

Over five days, a cohort of 12–15 undergraduates will immerse themselves in the vibrant urban landscape of Seattle. They’ll meet professionals, volunteers, and leaders, gaining firsthand insight into diverse careers and learning about the triumphs and challenges of forging meaningful work.

Support the Seattle Experience on #CougsGive

Your gift during #CougsGive brings this transformative program to life. Together, we can:

  • Expand students’ horizons by connecting them with new industries and mentors.
  • Equip them with the confidence to navigate career paths they may not have considered.
  • Create life-changing experiences that prepare them to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Every dollar counts. Whether it’s $10, $50, or $500, your support opens doors to opportunities for our students. Join us today in shaping their future.

Make your gift now and be part of the journey. Let’s show our students what’s possible when Cougs come together!

Thank you for making a difference this #CougsGive.

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