#CougsGive might be over, but you can still make your gift here.
Honors College

Where will you make a difference?

Invest in the priorities of the WSU Honors College

Support of our highest priorities helps move the needle in Honors. Each priority aligns with the values of the Honors College: compassion, teamwork, respect, and excellence. With your investment, the college can recruit and retain high-achieving students and provide them with the resources needed to excel in their studies, engage in global research opportunities, address overall wellbeing, enhance their leadership skills, and earn their college degrees – all in a nurturing and collaborative Honors environment!

  • Student Scholarships
  • Faculty Support
  • Successful delivery of 21st century programming such as:
    • The MESI Certificate in Honors (Mindfulness-Based Emotional and Social Intelligence)
    • Honors Pathway in partnership with the WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
    • Honors and Business Innovation Leadership Experience (HABILE) in partnership with the Carson College of Business
  • Undergraduate Research and Experiential Learning

"Scholarships allow for the possibility of me pursuing an education at WSU. It is because of scholarships that I will become the first of 29 grandchildren to become an engineer overall, but a civil engineer most importantly."

Cesar '23 - Civil Engineering

"Before MESI I didn’t know when to take breaks and wasn’t in tune with my needs. MESI has taught me the skills to cope with stress from classes and my sport’s career playing rugby, and will help in my career as a veterinarian.”

Maya '24 - Zoology

"Wanted to say a very, very big thank you to the Honors College for funding my journey to the 2021 Interstellar Research Group Symposium. I can't even begin to describe the lifechanging experience it ended up being - the friends and colleagues I was able to meet as well as reconnect with at this event is something I'll carry and cherish moving forward in my career."

Colin '21 - Mechanical Engineering

Your gift is notable – and the match is remarkable!!
Thank you to Andrew `04 and Rebecca `04 Flanagan and everyone who supported the Dean's Notable Achievement Fund!
Ambassador Total Gifts Inspired Challenge
Congrats to the three most passionate, dedicated, and persuasive #CougsGive Ambassadors! Great work Stephen, Melody, and Michael!
Campus, College, and Program Leaderboard
Which campus, college, or program will raise the most during #CougsGive?
Rank Department Raised
1 Cougar Athletic Fund $146,513.25
2 College of Veterinary Medicine $132,021.50
3 Carson College of Business $76,255.00
4 WSU Alumni Association $24,195.00
5 WSU Vancouver $21,676.50
$500 Ambassador Referral Reward
Congrats to Stephen Hines for inspiring 67 donors to make gifts during #CougsGive! He earns a $500 bonus to the fund designation of his choice! Thank you to the `09 Coug alum donor who sponsored this challenge!
Campus, College, and Program Gift Leaderboard
Which campus, college, or program will receive the most gifts during #CougsGive?
Rank Department Gifts
1 Cougar Athletic Fund 224
2 College of Veterinary Medicine 201
3 WSU Vancouver 144
4 WSU Alumni Association 98
5 WSU Everett 89
Don't forget to share!

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Or you can contact us at annual.giving@wsu.edu.